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Student Corner - Studying abroad

If you are a student with an admission to a university abroad, you are probably wondering about your next steps. It can be a daunting task from here on with a list of things to be done before you set sail to your new home in a new city, a new country. We, J Student Services, are a one-stop solution for all your requirements from the time you get an admit to the College/University of your choice to the time you complete your studies and are set sail to the post-student phase of your life.

We provide you what you need. Reach out to us by registering below and we will assign a relationship manager who will guide you throughout the process. Oh, did we mention that we do not charge you anything at all for these services !!

Here's what you need and here's how you go about it

1.  MONEY, MONEY, MONEY !! Finance your education

You need to finance your education. That is going to be the hardest part or it can be the simplest of things if you play your cards right. 

First, stay calm and relaxed.

Second, our RM will work with you and help you get the best offer from financial institutions and/or banks in Europe, the US & India

Here are your best options:

Prodigy Finance

The biggest lender for education loans for top 100 universities across the world. Sign up with Prodigy Finance using this link or if you have already signed up with prodigy finance, just share the mail id you used to sign-up with Prodigy Finance through this Google Form. You get the following benefits:

  • Your application will be analyzed by our team of professionals who have handled more than 1500 applications through Prodigy Finance
  • You will receive a $50 gift card or cash on disbursement of your loan.
  • You will be eligible for a $10,000 Prodigy Partner application

If you do not find your university or course listed on Prodigy Finance website, you can reach out to our RMs and they will get it added for you.

European and USA Banks

Our RM can help you fill out the application to the following banks:

USA & Canada - Citibank, Capital One Bank, mPower

Spain - Caixa Bank, Sabadell Bank

France - HSBC, BNP Paribas

Germany - KFZ Bank

When you sign up through us, you will get the following benefits:

  • Your application will be analyzed by our team of professionals who have handled more than 450 applications through these banks
  • You will receive a $50 gift card or cash on disbursement of your loan

Elfi - Education Loan Finance

The biggest refinancer for education loans for all universities across the world. Sign up with Elfi using this link.

  • Your application will be analyzed by our team of professionals who have handled more than 500 applications through Elfi
  • You will receive a $50 gift card or cash on disbursement of your loan.

2. PAPERWORK, VISA, AND STUFF !! Get your paperwork done for your Visas

The next hurdle can be the cumbersome paperwork that most of you will need to get the Visas for your studies. To be honest, there is no way around this tiresome, boring, and a little frightening task but we can make it easy for you.

In addition, you will need to get these documents attested and apostilled. Simply add your details here and choose the package of document attestation and we will get it done for you. We will arrange for the pick of documents in the most secure manner and get them apostilled, attested, and sent back to you in 5 working days and at the best cost in the market. Fill this form to schedule a pickup and get your documents apostilled. 

The next thing you need for paperwork is insurance (Overseas Health & Travel). It is mandatory for your Visas and very important for your financial security when you travel outside of your home country. Visit our website Student Corner for your insurance requirements and get insurance tailored to your needs. You can read the policy wordings here. Our RM will be more than happy to guide you.

3. PLACE TO STAY !! Book your accommodation

Now, you are done with the hard part but here comes the final phase and frankly, your patience is going to get tested.

Places start getting booked as early as June, for the Fall intake, and October, for Winter intake. Visit any of these trusted websites and start looking for accommodations. Our RM will guide you and help you look for your desired house and suggest locations in and around your university.

If you like a house, arrange for a virtual tour and make a booking, the apartments will get booked very very quickly and if you snooze, you will quite literally lose the listings. Many students end up taking high-priced rooms and apartments at the peak summertime at the end of July-August and it really hurts their pockets at a time when they are already scrambling to save money. 

Visit the below links at the most trusted websites across Europe and the US. These websites are verified and 600+ students have booked their apartments through us, using these websites, in the last year alone. Use our codes to make the booking and avail discounts. 

  • Uniplaces-  Most common website for students to book their accommodations across Europe. We have strong tie-ups with Uniplaces and our team can help you look for accommodations on Uniplaces. Use code UPJINSU20 to get a 20% discount on the booking fee.
  • Spotahome - Strong presence across EU and have really cool places for students and amazing prices. Our RM's can help you find your new home on Spotahome with ease. Use our promo code JAI25 for a 25% discount on the registration fee. 

NOW, you are finally done. Yes! believe it and let it sink in. Prepare yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically (We have already taken care of the financial part ;) ) Say your tatas and goodbyes and pack your bags, because It is literally the time to fly, so, spread your wings and get ready for the next big adventure of your life. Welcome this new experience with open arms and most importantly remember to HAVE FUN