5 myths related to International Travel Insurance BUSTED

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international travel insurance

Whether you are going away to explore new places or you have set out to find peace within your inner self. One thing that you would definitely need on your trip is peace of mind.

Travelling to another country sounds like an exciting experience but since you are going to a foreign land, the same idea brings all the possible uncertainties that might happen.

One can only imagine the trouble if there is any medical emergency like a sickness, injury, or a contingency like loss of passport, loss of luggage, or an emergency cash requirement.

Having travel insurance when you travel internationally means that you have secured yourself from any unforeseen circumstances.

Your travel insurance will protect you from the constant bugging thoughts that could worry you about anything going wrong on the trip.

Buy Travel Insurance at the moment when you book your trip and travel with peace of mind. It is important to note that Travel or Overseas Mediclaim Insurance is also a mandatory part of the Visa process for most countries.

You should buy your travel cover responsibly.

This is what J Insurance is here for. To help you choose the best travel (overseas health) cover while also informing you about these 

5 myths related to international Travel Insurance that everyone thinks to be true:

All Insurance plans are the same these days:

While this statement holds true for the most part as all the reputed insurers provide the best plans with maximum coverages. However, there may be an instance where you end up comparing two policies with different premium amounts making your judgment biased and outright wrong.

All insurances are not the same, take your time to read the coverages offered and also try to make yourself familiar with terms and conditions.

Once you do this little exercise only then go with a certain policy based on your stay and requirement.

Travel Insurances aid only in critical cases:

This particular myth is more common when it comes to Travel Insurance. But the fact is that there are certain policies that offer you better coverage and are not limited to providing cover for critical cases only. A good Travel Insurance policy is one that protects you in case of emergencies that are not only “health critical” but can otherwise land you in trouble.For eg: In case you miss your flight and the airline puts you on the next flight which has a significant hour difference then Travel Insurance can provide coverage for the accommodation and overnight stay expenses.

Claim Processing is tedious in Travel Insurance:

This Myth is also actually a big fear amongst first-time travellers, they think that Claim Processing takes a lot of time.

It should be noted that in case a medical emergency arises you should inform your insurer as soon as possible through the helpline numbers mentioned on your insurance policy. This will get the action of claim processing started.

Claim processing of a good Travel Insurance policy is precise, quick and designed in a manner that it causes the least amount of trouble to the insured. Your intermediary like us at JInsurance can help you speed up the process with least amount of trouble to you.

Medical Costs in western countries are skyrocketing. In such scenarios Trave (Overseas Health) Insurance can protect you from burning a deep hole in your pockets. Therefore, you should choose the coverage amount wisely when deciding on the Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance is only important for those who are going to engage in Adventure Sports:

Thinking that Travel Insurance is not important for you because you will not engage in any adventure activities is baseless.

First, Travel Insurance does not provide cover for most Adventure Sports. As a special request you may choose to get cover fr adventure sports by paying additional premium on your Travel insurance policy.

Second, there are many other common instances like loss of baggage and getting robbed that are taken care of under a good overseas travel insurance policy.

I already have a Medical cover. I don’t need travel insurance:

First, it is mandatory to get Travel Insurance in  most countries like the US, the EU (Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Netherlands etc), Australia, NZ.

Second, if you do think that your medical cover is enough then we must tell you that your Health Insurance is not valid outside of India. Instead, the International Travel Insurance acts as the Health Insurance when you travel outside of India.